Xperimental Sound System: XSS037 / Cubo by Silum Soundz on Mixcloud
// Xperimental Sound System: XSS037. Selected and mixed by Cubo //
Sonidos del mundo del ensueño. David Bowie con Brian Eno, Manuel Göttsching, To Rococo Rot, Jozef Van Wissem & SQÜRL, Nicola Cruz, Nicolas Jaar, Thomas Fehlmann… ¡Disfrutad del viaje!
- 1.Sense Of Doubt by David Bowie
- 2.Echo Waves by Manuel Göttsching
- 3.Shishapangma by Simon Fisher Turner
- 4.Eija by Tarcar
- 5.Merano by To Rococo Rot
- 6.Only Lovers Left Alive by Jozef Van Wissem & SQÜRL
- 7.Cumbia del Olvido by Nicola Cruz
- 8.Too Many Kids Finding Rain In The Dust by Nicolas Jaar
- 9.Streets of Blah by Thomas Fehlmann
- 10.Tonka Truck by Solvent
- 11.Whitehill feat. Piper Davis by Dave DK
Xperimental Sound System recoge excursiones sonoras de una hora de duración donde se encuentran diferentes coordenadas del tiempo y del espacio. Se emite todos los sábados de 12 de la noche a 1 de la madrugada en Hala Bedi Irratia.
Xperimental Sound System collects one hour sound trips where different coordinates of time and space meet. It’s broadcasted every saturday on Hala Bedi Radio (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Euskadi), from midnight 12 to 1.